Thursday, November 26, 2009

Any hair dye experts out there?

Has anyone out there ever tried one of those "hair strippers" from walmart? It is suppose to take out the dye? I let one of my friends dye my hair (big mistake) and it turned out bright red. I used this dye removals and now it is a bright yellow orange. I am naturally blonde and wanting to just go back to what was "normal" but I can't very well dye this orange color blonde ...

Any hair dye experts out there?

If you had asked before you used the color remover, I would have advised you to make sure you selected a quality one, since some color removers are nothing more than strong hair bleach.

But it's normal for even the best color removers to not leave your hair the same color it was before the botched dye job. It removes as much of the color as it can, leaving you with a similar level (lightness), but not necessarily a similar tone, as your original one.

Right now you have three choices. 1) You can buy a second bottle of color remover and repeat the process (and this time, I would make sure you're using the best one possible - Colorfix is particularly trustworthy). By doing this, you are risking hair damage, though not as much as with bleach. However, you will not get your exact original shade back. 2) You can lighten your existing color with a hair bleach until you obtain a yellow-pale yellow result, and then apply a violet toner to cancel out the yellow and achieve a natural blonde shade. Full instructions for this exist on many websites. OR 3) You can just color over your existing shade with a muted auburn color to get the red you were originally aiming for.

But really, your bestest bet is to go see a competent professional. I repeat, a COMPETENT professional. Many of the cosmetologists out there are no more skilled than your friend.

Good luck!

Any hair dye experts out there?

Blonde hair is very hard to strip, ESPECIALLY red dye. You can keep washing it, but I very much doubt the colour will ever be 'normal' again. I have bleached blonde parts and everytime I dye them a colour, I will wash them like normal and even if I don't re dye them for months, my hair will never go back to the blonde it was. It'll stay a very pale colour of the original I put in.

I suggest seeing a hairdresser, who may have to bleach your hair if you are so adament that you want it out. There really is nothing that you can do from here on your end except shampooing...

Any hair dye experts out there?

you need to consider what the color base of the dye you first used. you have certain pigments in you hair shaft that are tones a hair colorist is trained to see these or you just have an eye for it naturally, if yellow and blue make green and those are 2 primary colors look on the box to see what the base colors are yellow and red orange you must have put a red base hair color on . i would suggest quit trying to fix it yourself let a professional do it and leave it alone..!!!!

Any hair dye experts out there?

get some shimmering lights, it shampoo and it actually lightens your hair for normal color and a dyed color as well... then i suggest you get a thing of cholesterol treatment at walmart, and if you have a home heating cap then you can sit under it for 3 or four hours, if not, then put the cholesterol on when you can live it in your hair four at least eight hoursafter you do the SHIMMERING LIGHTS which can also be bought at walmart.. after the Cholesterol treatment, then get you the lightest color of blonde you can get i would suggest at least two of them at once to make sure it is evenlly put on your whole hair really good... you might even have to do it a couple of times... but eventually it will go back to normal hair color.. CAUSE YOUR HAIR GROWS FROM ITS ROOTS / HAIR FOLICLES... I DYED MY HAIR A REALLY REALLY REALLY BRIGHT RED AND IT TOOK ME THREE BOTTLES OF THE LIGHTEST BLONDE TO EVEN GET IT BACK TO A BLONDE COLOR... BUT NOW, MY HAIR HAS ALL GROWED OUT AND BACK TO ITS NORMAL COLOR.. YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE SCARED OF THE TURN OUT, THEN YOU CAN GO TO A BEAUTICIAN AND HAVE HER TO FIX IT FOR YOU..

Any hair dye experts out there?

You should probably see a professional at this point. Had you asked before you used the remover...I would have said don't use the remover. Ash blonde will tone down that bright orange color you sometimes get with red. And red fades so fast, it would have probably only been that bright for a day or two.

I'd say you should probably let go of the idea of going back to "normal" for a while. See a professional, and get it dyed something acceptable. You probably should wait a few days, because those color strippers can really fry your hair.

Any hair dye experts out there?

color makes color go darker ALWAYS.

to remove color bleach is needed. not the kind used in the washing machine. the hair lightener kind.

go to sally's beauty supply and purchase:

10 volume developer and bleach (hilite) powder

go to the store and purchase:

bottled water

go to salon and purchase:

good shampoo

MIX ONE oz. of each (for short hair- 2 each for medium length) in a squeeze bottle and shampoo your hair with it.

squeeze it out on the ends first. (your scalp is warmer so it will not take much time at all to bleach out. ends are cool and take longer so start on the ends)

condition well.

Any hair dye experts out there?

listen to Craina c...she is right

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