Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Growing out layered hair?

I used to have really short hair, but my ears are big so I decided I wanted a kind of 1966 Beatles look to it. I started growing it out but it's just been awful. It used to be layered and so some of the hairs over my ears are really short, others (mainly in front of an behind the ears) are long. The back of it is really weird, it's nearly shoulder length and tends to split into three parts (which looks terrible!). The worst part is when I walk to class, the wind ALWAYS catches in my hair and makes it flare out like wings. No matter how I fix it, by the time I get to class I always look stupid. I decided to go get a trim to lose some of the layers and to let the rest catch up, but this only made the sides and the back curl inwards, which makes my hair look like a bowl cut for a woman or something. Is there anything I can do? Should I just wear something on it until it gets super long and then cut it back from there? I know it's possible to have long hair and it not look stupid.....

Growing out layered hair?

An excellent haircut to get to try and grow it out is and inverted bob, one good rule of thumb is to make sure your sides are always longer than your back (otherwise you get a mullet) so if you get any of these styles just keep the back trimmed to help you grow it out with confidence.


eg... victoria beckam, http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Events/5851/Vic...

Growing out layered hair?


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